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Message from Synergy Billing CEO


Free Your Mind and Unleash Your Creative Energy

Fear, Anxiety, and Discontent

At the root of anxiety is fear. An unspoken, unacknowledged, and unrecognized fear.

It starts as a little seed of self-doubt and uncertainty. It sprouts into a knot in your belly and creates an unsettling feeling. You can’t put your finger on it but something ain’t right.

We start scanning the environment for risk. We are waiting for the shoe to drop. Being smart responsible people we take what seem to be pro-active measures to avoid the inevitable pain that will come. We begin over analyzing people and situations. We run the various scenarios, often making assumptions (sometimes false assumptions), to avoid something from going wrong . The scenario becomes a possible outcome.

A Mind Virus

Further analysis of the outcome creates more anxiety and fear. This becomes a mind virus. All you can think about it and how it will impact you (and the things that matter most to you). The thought of losing something or someone becomes overwhelming. These thoughts of loss, less, or not enough become your dominant thoughts.

With these thoughts on your mind you go into the world determined to prevent them from happening. Decision making becomes filtered by the question “will this result in….”

We go about our business but something feels “off.” We can’t put our finger on what is wrong and we tell ourselves we should be happy, grateful, and “stay positive.” Yet there is a looming feeling of dread. We play it safe and avoid things that might cause any pain. Without fully realizing it we have redirected the majority of our mental powerhouse to “risk mitigation.”

With this unsettled feeling inside us we increase our focus on preventing negative outcomes. We see problems everywhere. Each problem appears as though it could lead to “the end of times.”

The Fear Becomes Real

We feel like we are having a stroke of bad luck. Bad things happen in 3s we tell ourself. We have a tough time focusing, we don’t get sleep, and we become absorbed by problems and negativity. We become ineffective at tasks that are normally effortless to us. We begin to spiral and we can’t focus or think clearly.

Our quality of life, quality of work, and relationships are under attack. Before we know it the unspoken thing we feared becomes reality.

Does this sound familiar? I may have just put to words something you feel and sense daily. If not, you are a very fortunate soul who has mastered yourself and you should be commended. For the rest of us this is a very real dilemma but it is something that we can control. If we decide to take control.

Neutralizing Fear

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

― Nelson Mandela

From a young age we are taught to be fearless and for most of us there is a stigma to admit fear. When I was a kid there were shirts that were popular that said “No Fear” and you were a cool kid if you wore them.

At the root of anxiety is fear. Being afraid is a rational and normal reaction to something we believe may cause physical or emotional pain. Anxiety is heightened when you haven’t recognized what you are afraid of.

For most of my adult life I suffered from anxiety. Had you asked me what my biggest fear was I would have probably said “nothing.” In reality I had an unrecognized fear that everything I had worked for would be stripped away from me and I would be penniless without a college degree. I wouldn’t attend funerals because I didn’t know how to cope or deal with death or dying


“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;  Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. “

-Serenity prayer, Reinhold Neibuhr

Being afraid can be a smart thing that helps us to survive. Avoiding fear is what gets us into psychological trouble. The reality is we need to fear-less not be fearless. To do that we have to have the courage to face reality and be honest with ourselves. The simple act of naming your hidden or underlying fear is the first step to neutralizing it.


Problem? Not a problem. Bring it on!

“Harmonious thoughts lead to happiness and abundance meanwhile negative thoughts lead to poverty and misery.” -The Master Key System

“I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of
life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise. I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open. I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived.” -The Greatest Salesman that Ever Lived

Sometimes things go crappy. An expectation isn’t met or you aren’t happy about your hamburger at Chili’s. It’s not a good situation. When these things happen we have a choice in how we respond and react. Do we get angry and defensive “how dare you put mayonnaise on my hamburger it wasn’t listed on the menu!” Or do we approach it in a way the limits the negativity of an already negative situation “excuse me, there must have been some confusion. The menu didn’t reference any mayonnaise and I’d like to request this be re-made, please.”

This is not just about being polite it’s about maintaining your integrity to that which is “right” and not letting negativity cloud your filter on the world. Since we cannot change what has happened in the past we can only seek to alter the future. The way to do this is by properly diagnosing the issue and learning how to prevent it from reoccurring.

When something goes wrong, and we react in a negative manner, our mental vibrations shift and now the mental filters (we all have them it’s our point of view or perception) in which we are interpreting what is happening in the world around is being tinted and tainted by negative thoughts and emotions. If we start to “see red” everything starts looking “red”. Meanwhile, if we separate our emotions and feelings from the negative event we can objectively assess the situation and take ownership (we must be responsible for our own problems. Asking for help is OK but we can’t outsource them completely).

“Problems aren’t bad they are opportunities to make things work better, faster, cost less, become more cohesive, advance at a more rapid pace, growth, and advance synergy. “
-Jayson Meyer

If we react to a problem in a defensive manner by getting frustrated, angry, or fearful we risk losing our objectivity. Fear can be a big driver when there is a problem. The fear of getting in trouble can be significant. One must ask themself “if I cannot alter what has happened because of the problem how can help solve it and prevent it from reoccurring?” A mindset of this nature will always lead to advancement. It is a continuous improvement mindset that evaluates the problem or scenario objectively both identifying and solving the root cause of the problem and learning from it to prevent reoccurrence.

Our goal should be to create maximum synergy in each moment. To do this we must look at all negative “things” (situations, people, relationships, every-thing) like a scientist. If our immediate reaction is anger or frustration there are a limited number of physiological and behavioral responses (most of which end in conflict and negative outcomes). As a scientist you can look objectively at the problem or situation and work towards solving it and preventing reoccurrence.

Once we get past the emotional response “how could they” “Why would they” it becomes quite easy to diagnose and plan an appropriate response.

This continuous improvement cycle is “life”. By that I mean it is the essence of what life and creation are all about: things being the best version they can be through growth and evolution, to advance the survival of the corresponding thing(s). Because something exists it has an obligation to be the best it can be. As co-creators in the universe we have an obligation to help them.

The truth is every problem is a unique opportunity for improvement! It is literally that simple. When you realize that problems convert to opportunity (and often money and margin once fixed).I don’t shy away from problems. In fact I don’t even consider them a nuisance at all. Bring it on!


Problem? Not a problem. Bring it on!

“Harmonious thoughts lead to happiness and abundance meanwhile negative thoughts lead to poverty and misery.” -The Master Key System

“I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of
life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise. I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open. I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived.” -The Greatest Salesman that Ever Lived

Sometimes things go crappy. An expectation isn’t met or you aren’t happy about your hamburger at Chili’s. It’s not a good situation. When these things happen we have a choice in how we respond and react. Do we get angry and defensive “how dare you put mayonnaise on my hamburger it wasn’t listed on the menu!” Or do we approach it in a way the limits the negativity of an already negative situation “excuse me, there must have been some confusion. The menu didn’t reference any mayonnaise and I’d like to request this be re-made, please.”

This is not just about being polite it’s about maintaining your integrity to that which is “right” and not letting negativity cloud your filter on the world. Since we cannot change what has happened in the past we can only seek to alter the future. The way to do this is by properly diagnosing the issue and learning how to prevent it from reoccurring.

When something goes wrong, and we react in a negative manner, our mental vibrations shift and now the mental filters (we all have them it’s our point of view or perception) in which we are interpreting what is happening in the world around is being tinted and tainted by negative thoughts and emotions. If we start to “see red” everything starts looking “red”. Meanwhile, if we separate our emotions and feelings from the negative event we can objectively assess the situation and take ownership (we must be responsible for our own problems. Asking for help is OK but we can’t outsource them completely).

“Problems aren’t bad they are opportunities to make things work better, faster, cost less, become more cohesive, advance at a more rapid pace, growth, and advance synergy. “
-Jayson Meyer

If we react to a problem in a defensive manner by getting frustrated, angry, or fearful we risk losing our objectivity. Fear can be a big driver when there is a problem. The fear of getting in trouble can be significant. One must ask themself “if I cannot alter what has happened because of the problem how can help solve it and prevent it from reoccurring?” A mindset of this nature will always lead to advancement. It is a continuous improvement mindset that evaluates the problem or scenario objectively both identifying and solving the root cause of the problem and learning from it to prevent reoccurrence.

Our goal should be to create maximum synergy in each moment. To do this we must look at all negative “things” (situations, people, relationships, every-thing) like a scientist. If our immediate reaction is anger or frustration there are a limited number of physiological and behavioral responses (most of which end in conflict and negative outcomes). As a scientist you can look objectively at the problem or situation and work towards solving it and preventing reoccurrence.

Once we get past the emotional response “how could they” “Why would they” it becomes quite easy to diagnose and plan an appropriate response.

This continuous improvement cycle is “life”. By that I mean it is the essence of what life and creation are all about: things being the best version they can be through growth and evolution, to advance the survival of the corresponding thing(s). Because something exists it has an obligation to be the best it can be. As co-creators in the universe we have an obligation to help them.

The truth is every problem is a unique opportunity for improvement! It is literally that simple. When you realize that problems convert to opportunity (and often money and margin once fixed).I don’t shy away from problems. In fact I don’t even consider them a nuisance at all. Bring it on!


Nice is Dangerous

Nice is a behavior or characteristic of behavior where one
sacrifices the self for to spare the emotions or feelings of
another individual.
Nice behaviors emerge when we are insecure with ourselves
or our knowledge of a subject.

It’s a form of walking on egg-shells and obfuscation from
objective reality. It alters the nature and manner in which
information is communicated to spare the emotions of the
recipient or the communicator.

The characteristics of “Nice” become an avoidance strategy
aimed to please and subjugate objective reality.

The right thing to do is openly and honestly communicate
thoughts, ideas, and opinions when they serve the rational
self interest of ourselves and others. This is “kind” and it is the
right way to be.


You Are Possible

What radiates, permeates, penetrates and infiltrates our hearts, minds, and consciousness?

Allow myself to introduce, myself… to the psychology of success and abundance. Are you worthy to dream the big dreams? Are you worthy of abundant wealth?

You see, I believe in YOU. I am here to tell YOU that YOU are worthy to dream the big dreams. In fact, I’ll be disappointed if your dreams are not so MASSIVE and AMBITIOUS that once you achieve them your draw drops and your mind is blown. ?

Now… close your eyes.

See yourself, your awesomeness. Picture the moment in the not too distant future when your jaw is open. You feel a sensation in your body. You can’t explain it. It is pride, it is overwhelming. You tear up with the thought that you took an idea from your mind and converted it into the most beautiful reality you could picture. And
now… it is real. And you made it real. Now open your eyes, how do you feel?

The human mind can ACHIEVE anything it can CONCEIVE. I want to be “wow’d” I want YOU to be “wow’d”.

Now… close your eyes, again.

See yourself, your awesomeness. Picture for a moment your bank account. Every day it is going UP and money is rolling in at a rapid pace. You have experienced this before. You know the feeling, the sensation. You feel comfortable, confident, and proud.

Now open your eyes, how do you feel? Say to yourself out loud “I am worthy. I used the POWER of my mind and converted it into MASSIVE achievement and WEALTH. I didn’t do it alone but I am worthy.”

Now… close your eyes, again.

Think about your heart beat… You didn’t do anything to earn that heart but it works for you beating 100,000 times each day. WOW. Now think about your life. Think about your amazing health and vitality that people would trade every penny in their bank account for. WOW. Think about your ability to connect with people at
a deep level and what a gift that has been for you. Think about your journey and all the wisdom you have gained. Think about Misty and how blessed you are to have her as your partner stewarding five amazing boys. And those boys… how blessed are you that you have five amazing boys that worship you. Your cup is so full you should never have to feel sad or alone. You should never be in a suffering state.

Don’t let your mind play tricks on you.

It is designed to deceive you. You cannot feel anger and love at the same moment. If you are  constantly cultivating love and gratitude those will be your dominant thoughts. As new thoughts enter they will be reflected off of the feelings of love and gratitude.


On what others think

We all have a lens in which we see ourselves and he external world. Each person’s lens determines how they perceive the external world. We may think we know how others see us but we never truly know unless we develop authentic, trusting relationships.



Fountainhead Center for Innovation & Research

We make things better. We make the things better that can have the most significant impact on the world. We choose what to make better based on our values, our compass.

In a time and place not that far in the future…

Welcome to the Fountainhead Center for Research & Innovation. At our 100,000 square foot research center we employ a number of engineers and research scientists from a variety of fields. We are
dreamers, we are believers, we are achievers. We are the people who make the impossible, possible.

We don’t take “no” for an answer. We believe and embrace that whatever man (or woman’s) mind can conceive, it can achieve. We break through barriers and we see the unseen. We are a united team
focused on making things better. We decide together what those things will be. We give tribute to Thomas Edison and Niccola Tesla, we hope we do you proud.

Health & Biology
Cancer, cellular degeneration, cellular regeneration, DNA architecture, DNA replication, DNA sequencing, Genetic mapping.

Energy storage, energy conversion, energy transfer, perpetual motion motor, static energy motor, synthetic gasoline that runs in any vehicle, wireless energy transfer

Miracle Metal, the strongest and cheapest metal on earth

Technology & Politics
Sound frequency disruption, the ability to interpret and neutralize multiple sound frequencies

Hurricane neutralization, humidity conversion into irrigation,
Augmented Reality
The co-working space of the future, gamifying work with VR


J-OS Operating System Upgrade

During the summer of 2017 I received a system-wide upgrade! This upgrade included an expansion of memory along with processing power to accommodate the new operating system. Since the last
release there were a series of patches and updates which created disk fragmentation. As a result, the system experienced unnecessary resource utilization which limited multi-tasking and the ability to run
certain programming. This much anticipated upgrade was actually released earlier than expected and so far has exceeded user expectations.

-Release Notes-
New J-OS resolves a number of fatal system flaws. Most notably system freezing, excessive processor utilization for rudimentary tasks, and faulty code resulting in system crashes and data corruption.

In addition to much cleaner code and better utilization of system resources, the new J-OS includes a number of feature enhancements. Most notably, this version allows interfacing and integration with
other user operating systems. This exciting new feature allows the user to harness the processing he power of other users from previously incompatible operating environments.

Productivity: This release includes an enhancement to the J-OS Focus Factor®. This J-OS Focus Factor® helps complete tasks faster and allows for the starting and stopping of multiple tasks, simultaneously.
Visualization: NEW in this version, the user can create in vivid detail anything formed by imagination.
Project Management: New processing capabilities allow multi-threading which prevents the system from crashing before the end of a project.
Problem Solving: J-OS Focus Factor® facilitates the input and resolution of any problem! By using the subconscious-processor J-OS can tap into the Universal Mind Data Network allowing unlimited problem solving.
User Experience: J-OS is now designed completely around the user. Users don’t have to fear the unknown and can have confidence that J-OS can help them navigate any scenario.
GPS: A new GPS feature allows you to identify goals and break down achievement into key action steps.
Communication: New communication features facilitate clarity and understanding for the achievement of goals.
Power Management: Better utilization of system resources results in less power consumption. This prevents overheating and allows additional processing.
Compatibility: NEW API that allows interfacing to all major platforms creating Data Harmony® between all systems


Just Do It

Jayson, sometimes you spend too much time overthinking the work. Here are some tips

The biggest mistake a person can make is not starting

Perfection is the enemy of good

Every moment spent working on a project in thought or motion is an input

Life and work is a process of constant refinement and improvement

Get a DRAFT done and then revise it is always easier to edit

Every session spent revising give it a version number to track your progress

Be intentional in your actions! If you feel compelled to action be sure you are clear on what you are trying to do.