“Form a mental picture of what you want to be, and of all that you want in person, property and environment; dwell upon it until it is clear and definite to you, and hold it until it arouses intense desire.”
I recognize that I am on an incredible journey in life and I am in love with every second of it. I’m so grateful to live this life and I want to do it with purpose, honor, and integrity. This is how I choose to live:
I am deeply thankful. My beating heart is enough of a reason to appreciate the moment. Each day I invest time early in the morning to reflect, meditate, and appreciate my existence. As frequently as possible, I reflect at the end of the day on what happened.
I try to always do the right thing and I know it’s right because it serves the greater good, it doesn’t hurt another person, and it is done with love. When I know it’s the right thing I don’t let other people’s filters or perception deter me from what I know in my heart to be right. I have the courage to stay true to my beliefs and I don’t apologize for being me.
I seek the good, the true, and the beautiful in all aspects of life. I am committed to that which is “right” against the backdrop of natural laws of the universe. I am always assessing each situation to make sure it creates”synergy” or win-win situations.
I don’t take anything or anyone for granted. It took 13.8 Billion years to get to this very moment. I am constantly scanning each moment with the objective of leaving it better by being a participant. I do this as an expression of gratitude because I exist and I was granted the opportunity to be a part of the moment.
I don’t let my pride or ego interfere with results and effectiveness. I understand that to influence outcomes I can’t always control the events. I have the courage to yield to circumstances in order to achieve my aim. I don’t always listen to the voice in my head
Engrained in my DNA is an intense desire for things to be the best they can be.
I try not to settle for anything less than the best for a given situation regardless of time, effort, or money. I have high expectations but I aim for perfection and settle for excellence. I think before I act and I clearly see the objective of my actions or activity. I focus on doing the minimum necessary, at maximum effort, to achieve the best possible outcomes.
I recognize we all have filters that skew how we see reality so I don’t let my ego close my mind to the possibility that I may know nothing and I could be wrong. When someone presents a better idea I show gratitude and embrace it.
I believe that everything is a gift and every material possession is on loan. I appreciate form and function of material goods but I don’t pursue accumulation of goods as my chief aim. I recognize that when I die I can’t take material possessions with me so ultimately they mean nothing.
I have accepted my own mortality and I live each day liberated because I know that I may have an expiration date to my physical existence. This feeling allows me to maximize each moment and live life to the fullest.
As I turn my dreams into reality I don’t brag about my success, I let the results speak for themself. I strive to be the silent winner, the humble champion. I learn from my failures and share the lessons with others to help them learn.
I am simply grateful to exist and live this life so I can evolve into the best version of me. Thank you for this opportunity.